BRIGHT-CS is a system learning ecosystem. It is not a one-off hackathon or coding camp, where impacts can fade over time. Instead, BRIGHT-CS brings together a comprehensive set of in-school, afterschool, and summertime experiences that connect students, parents, schools, and community members to create an environment wherein culturally and linguistically diverse students are empowered to pursue their interests in computer science. Computer science and computational thinking are taught as tools for girls to access and expand their interests in fields applicable to CS/CT.
Research scientist at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Without the following community, district, and school staff, BRIGHT-CS simply could not exist.From meeting regularly to weigh-in on the design and content of the program to serving as the daily conveyors of BRIGHT-CS approaches, the following individuals have been critical to the success of BRIGHT-CS.
Funding for BRIGHT-CS was made possible by grants from the National Science Foundation, grant 1752436, grant 1837344, and grant 2031358.
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