Building Student Retention through Individuated Guided Cohort Training in Computer Science

According to a Gallup and Google study conducted in 2016, Black middle and high school students are among the most enthusiastic about learning computer science (CS). So why are so few Black students still interested in CS once they get to college?


BRIGHT-CS created a CS learning ecosystem to better support culturally and linguistically diverse students. The ecosystem is designed for equity, working with students and parents, teachers and the school community, community organizations and the community at large. The ecosystem works to dig out structural, instructional, and curricular barriers and plant supports for diverse students to thrive.

Did You Know?

What can we do?

What can we do to enact equity so that all students, including culturally and linguistically diverse students, can succeed?

What we are finding: Research reports

Are you an education stakeholder interested in what we are learning about equity?

Click here to see what we are finding in how best to support and inspire culturally and linguistically diverse students to learn and sustain their interest in STEM+CS.

Teach computer science: Resources for teachers

Are you an educator interested in teaching computational thinking and computer science? 

Click here for curricular materials tested and refined specifically to support culturally and linguistically diverse students.

Learn to enact equity: Professional development

Are you an educator interested in educational equity?

Click here for professional development that uses computational thinking to debug inequities and redesign for equity.

Learn computer science: Resources for students

Are you a student interested in learning computational thinking and computer science? 

Click here for self-guided workbooks, videos, and materials.

Follow Us On Social Media

Choose to be Curious podcast: Educational equity interview

Listen to Dr. Ryoko Yamaguchi’s interview on educational equity for the podcast Choose To Be Curious with Lynn Borton. Dr. Yamaguchi founded Bringi…

Promoting and Supporting Computer Science among Middle School Girls of Color: SIG-CSE conference proceedings 2020

Dr. Ryoko Yamaguchi and her research team published initial findings of the student program, BRIGHT-CS, at the Association for Computing Machinery …

Educators as Learners and Active Designers of Equity: Carnegie Foundation Summit on Improvement in Education 2021

Watch the presentation that Dr. Ryoko Yamaguchi led with Arlington Public School educators, showcasing their Researcher-Practitioner Partnership (R…